Cautions during upgrade¶
Please confirm 11.3 Changes in the release notes.
Saving the Existing Configuration File
Save the configuration files in the $CUBRID/conf directory (cubrid.conf, cubrid_broker.conf and cm.conf) and the DB location file (databases.txt) in the $CUBRID_DATABASES directory.
Checking New Reserved Words
You can check whether reserved words are being used or not by applying the CUBRID 11.3 reserved word detection script, check_reserved.sql, which is distributed through the CUBRID installation package or http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Engine/11.3/. If the reserved words are being used as identifiers, the identifiers must be modified. See Identifier.
Configuring environment variables of CUBRID_MSG_LANG
CUBRID_LANG and CUBRID_CHARSET environment variables are no more used, and the language and the charset should be configured during creating DB. CUBRID_MSG_LANG is used when displaying the messages of utilities or errors. If CUBRID_MSG_LANG is not configured, it follows the language and the charset specified when creating DB.
Changing schema
9.0 Beta or earlier version user which had used not ISO-8859-1 charset but EUC-KR charset or UTF-8 charset, should change the schema. In the earlier version of 9.0 Beta, the precision of CHAR or VARCHAR was specified as byte size. From 9.0 Beta, the precision is specified as character length.
Adding/Keeping locales
If you have locales to want to add, add them into $CUBRID/conf/cubrid_locales.txt file and run make_locale script. For more details, see Locale Setting.
If you want to keep the old version’s locale, add the old version’s locale to $CUBRID/conf/cubrid_locales.txt file and run make_locale script, and specify the old locale when running “cubrid createdb” command.
DB migration
Since the DB volume of CUBRID 11.1 and earlier versions are not compatible with the DB volume of CUBRID 11.3, it should be migrated with cubrid unloaddb/loaddb utility. For more detail procedure, see DB migration.
CUBRID 2008 R3.1 and later don’t support GLO and the LOB type replaces the GLO feature. For this reason, applications or schemas that use GLO must be modified to be compatible with LOB.
In 2008 R4.0 or before, TIMESTAMP ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’(GMT) is the minimum value of TIMESTAMP, but in 2008 4.1 or later, it is recognized as zerodate and TIMESTAMP ‘1970-01-01 00:00:01’(GMT) is the minimum value of TIMESTAMP.
Reconfiguring environments for replication or HA
From 2008 R4.0, the replication feature is no longer supported; therefore, it is recommended to reconfigure the DB migration and HA environment for systems in which previous replication versions are used. In addition, for systems that use Linux Heartbeat-based HA feature, which is provided in CUBRID 2008 R2.0 and 2008 R2.1, you must reconfigure to DB migration and the CUBRID Heartbeat-based HA environment for better operational stability(see Database Migration under HA Environment).
To reconfigure the HA environment configuration, see CUBRID HA in the manual.
Java Stored Function/Procedure
A user who uses Java stored function/procedure should run loadjava command to load Java classes into CUBRID. See Load the compiled Java class into CUBRID.
Java SP server should be started before using Java stored procedure/function. See Start Java SP Server.
Upgrading from CUBRID 9.2/9.3/10.0/10.1/10.2/11.0/11.2 to CUBRID 11.3¶
Users who are using versions CUBRID 9.2/9.3/10.0/10.1/10.2/11.0/11.2 should install 11.3 in the different directory, migrate the databases to 11.3 and modify parameter values in the previous environment configuration file.
DB migration¶
The following table shows how to perform the migration using the reserved word detection script, check_reserved.sql, which is separately distributed from http://ftp.cubrid.org/CUBRID_Engine/11.3/ and the cubrid unloaddb/loaddb utilities. (See unloaddb and loaddb)
Step |
Linux Environment |
Windows Environment |
Step C1: Stop CUBRID Service |
% cubrid service stop |
Stop CUBRID Service Tray. |
Execute the following command in the directory where the reserved word detection script is located. Execute migration or identifier modification by checking the detection result (For the allowable identifier).
Store the databases.txt file and the configuration files under the conf directory of the earlier version in a separate directory (C3a). Execute the cubrid unloaddb utility and store the file generated at this point in a separate directory (C3b).
Delete the existing database (C3c).
Uninstall the earlier version of CUBRID. |
Step C4: Install new version |
Go to the directory where you want to create a database, and create one. At this time, be cautious about locale setting(*). (C5a)
Execute the cubrid loaddb utility with the stored files in (C3b). (C5b)
% cubrid backupdb -S testdb |
Modify the configuration file. At this point, partially modify the configuration files from the earlier version stored in step (C3a) to fit the new version. (For configuring system parameter, see Parameter configuration and System Parameters)
Start the service by selecting CUBRID Service Tray > [Service Start]. Start the database server from the command prompt.
Parameter configuration¶
The minimum size of log_buffer_size is changed from 48KB(3*1page, 16KB=1page) into 2MB(128*1page, 16KB=1page); therefore, this value should be larger than the changed minimum size.
Upgrading from CUBRID 9.1 to CUBRID 11.3¶
Users who are using versions CUBRID 9.1 should install 11.3 in the different directory, migrate databases to 11.3 and modify parameter values in the previous environment configuration file.
DB migration¶
Please refer DB migration for migration steps.
Parameter configuration¶
The minimum size of log_buffer_size is changed from 48KB(3*1page, 16KB=1page) into 2MB(128*1page, 16KB=1page); therefore, this value should be larger than the changed minimum size.
The value of sort_buffer_size should be configured as 2G or less since the maximum value of sort_buffer_size is 2G.
In the following parameters, the old parameters will be deprecated and the new parameters are recommended to use. The value in the parenthesis is the unit of the value when the unit is omitted, and the new parameters can specify the unit after the value. For details, see each parameter’s explanation in System Parameters
Old parameters(unit)
New parameters(unit)
In KEEP_CONNECTION parameter, OFF value should be changed as ON or AUTO since OFF setting value is no longer used.
SELECT_AUTO_COMMIT should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
The value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT should be 2,097,151 or less since the maximum value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT is 2,097,151.
Environment variable
CUBRID_CHARSET is removed, and now CUBRID_CHARSET is used for configuring the charset of database and CUBRID_MSG_LANG is used for configuring the charset of messages for utilities and errors.
When you create database, a language and a charset must be specified. It affects the length of string type, string comparison operation, etc. The specified charset when creating database cannot be changed later, so you should be careful when specifying it.
For charset, locale and collation setting, see An Overview of Globalization.
Upgrading From CUBRID 2008 R4.1/R4.3/R4.4 To CUBRID 11.3¶
Users who are using a version of CUBRID 2008 R4.1, R4.3 or R4.4 should install 11.3 in the different directory, migrate databases to 11.3 and modify parameter values in the existing environment configuration file.
DB migration¶
Please refer DB migration for migration steps.
(*): The user which uses CUBRID 2008 R4.x or before should be cautious for determining a locale(language and charset). For example, when the user which used the language as ko_KR(Korean) and the charset as utf8 processes DB migration, the locale should be set as “cubrid createdb testdb ko_KR.utf8”. If the locale is not built-in locale, you should run make_locale(.sh) command first. For more details, see Locale Setting.
You should be careful about the change of the space for storing about the multibyte character. For example, in 2008 R4.3, CHAR(6) means CHAR type with 6 bytes size, but from 9.3, CHAR(6) means CHAR type with 6 characters. In utf8 charset, Korean uses 3 bytes per 1 character, so CHAR(6) has 18 bytes. Therefore, more disk space is required.
If you used utf8 charset in CUBRID 2008 R4.x or before, you should set the charset as utf8 when you run “cubrid createdb”. If not, retrieval queries or string functions are unable to work properly.
Parameter configuration¶
The minimum size of log_buffer_size is changed from 48KB(3*1page, 16KB=1page) into 2MB(128*1page, 16KB=1page); therefore, this value should be larger than the changed minimum size.
The value of sort_buffer_size should be configured as 2G or less since the maximum value of sort_buffer_size is 2G.
single_byte_compare should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
intl_mbs_support should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
lock_timeout_message_type should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
In the following parameters, the old parameters will be deprecated and the new parameters are recommended to use. the value in the parenthesis is the unit of the value when the unit is omitted, and the new parameters can specify the unit after the value. For details, see each parameter’s explanation in System Parameters
Old parameters(unit)
New parameters(unit)
In KEEP_CONNECTION parameter, OFF value should be changed as ON or AUTO since OFF setting value is no longer used.
SELECT_AUTO_COMMIT should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
The value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT should be 2,097,151 or less since the maximum value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT is 2,097,151.
Environment variable
CUBRID_LANG is removed; now the language and the charset of database is set when creating DB, and CUBRID_MSG_LANG is used for configuring the charset of messages for utilities and errors.
When you create database, the language and the charset of database should be specified. It affects the length of string type, string comparison operation, etc. The specified charset when creating database cannot be changed later, so you should be careful when specifying it.
For charset, locale and collation setting, see An Overview of Globalization.
Upgrading From CUBRID 2008 R4.0 or Earlier Versions To CUBRID 11.3¶
Users who are using versions CUBRID 2008 R4.0 or earlier should install 11.3 in the different directory, migrate databases to 11.3 and modify parameter values in the existing environment configuration file.
DB migration¶
Do the same procedures with DB migration. If you use GLO classes, you must modify applications and schema in order to use BLOB or CLOB types, since GLO classes are not supported in 2008 R3.1. If this modification is not easy, it is not recommended to perform the migration.
Parameter configuration¶
The minimum size of log_buffer_size is changed from 48KB(3*1page, 16KB=1page) into 2MB(128*1page, 16KB=1page); therefore, this value should be larger than the changed minimum size.
The value of sort_buffer_size should be configured as 2G or less since the maximum valur of sort_buffer_size is 2G.
single_byte_compare should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
intl_mbs_support should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
lock_timeout_message_type should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
Because the default value of thread_stacksize has been changed from 100K to 1M, it is recommended that users who have not configured this value check memory usage of CUBRID-associative processes.
Because the minimum value of data_buffer_size has been changed from 64K to 16M, users who have configured this value less than 16M must change the value equal to or greater than 16M.
In the following parameters, the old parameters will be deprecated and the new parameters are recommended to use. the value in the parenthesis is the unit of the value when the unit is omitted, and the new parameters can specify the unit after the value. For details, see each parameter’s explanation in System Parameters
Old parameters(unit)
New parameters(unit)
In KEEP_CONNECTION parameter, OFF value should be changed as ON or AUTO since OFF setting value is no longer used.
SELECT_AUTO_COMMIT should be deleted since this parameter is no longer used.
The value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT should be 2,097,151 or less since the maximum value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT is 2,097,151.
The minimum value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT is 1024M. It is recommended that users who configure APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE configure this value less than the value of APPL_SERVER_MAX_SIZE_HARD_LIMIT.
Because the default value of CCI_DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT has been changed to ON, users who have not configured this value should change it to OFF if they want to keep auto commit mode.
Users who have configured the ha_apply_max_mem_size parameter value more than 500 must the value to 500 or less.
Environment variable
CUBRID_LANG is removed; now the language and the charset of database is set when creating DB, and CUBRID_MSG_LANG is used for configuring the charset of messages for utilities and errors.
When you create database, the language and the charset of database should be specified. It affects the length of string type, string comparison operation, etc. The specified charset when creating database cannot be changed later, so you should be careful when specifying it.
For charset, locale and collation setting, see An Overview of Globalization.
Database Migration under HA Environment¶
HA migration from CUBRID 2008 R2.2 or higher to CUBRID 11.3¶
In the scenario described below, the current service is stopped to perform an upgrade in an environment in which a broker, a master DB and a slave DB are operating on different servers.
Step |
Description |
Steps C1-C6: Perform DB migration |
Run the CUBRID upgrade and database migration in the master node, and back up the new version’s database on the master node. |
Step C7: Install new version in the slave node |
Delete the previous version of the database from the slave node and install a new version. For more information, see Installing and Running CUBRID. |
Restore the new database backup copy (testdb_bk*) of the master node, which is created in step H6 , to the slave node.
In the master node and the slave node, set the CUBRID environment configuration file (cubrid.conf) and the HA environment configuration file (cubrid_ha.conf) |
For more information about installation, see Installing and Running CUBRID. Start the broker in the Broker server. See Configuring and Starting Broker, and Verifying the Broker Status.
HA Migration from CUBRID 2008 R2.0/R2.1 to CUBRID 11.3¶
If you are using the HA feature of CUBRID 2008 R2.0 or 2008 R2.1, you must upgrade the server version, migrate the database, set up a new HA environment, and then change the Linux Heartbeat auto start setting used in 2008 R2.0 or 2008 R2.1. If the Linux Heartbeat package is not needed, delete it.
Perform steps C1~C10 above, then perform step C11 below:
Step |
Description |
Perform the following task in the master and slave nodes from a root account.